Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Free T strategy guide

Roy alerted me to this from planet debate: http://www.planetdebate.com/files/view/1039

Granted it has like 100 pages of FG and should definitions, but also some decent topic work in there.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

....another new debate blog

So check out www.the3nr.com where you will find yet another new debate blog of me, roy, and batterman talking about debate. FAQ below

Don't you people have lives?

Why another blog?
Who know's

What will be on there that isn't here?
Me explaining to the other 2 why they are dummies

Why don't you get a hobby or develop a social life?
This interview is over

Thursday, May 7, 2009

RL Debate

As usual Roy has copied me yet again and now has his very own debate blog - complete with a poll. The issue he brings up in his opening post is whether or not new affs are good or bad for debate. You can read his blog here http://rldebate.blogspot.com/ .

My thoughts on this issue:

Much like Natalie Imbruglia, I'm torn. On the one hand, I do think people working hard and churning out new arguments is good. On the other hand I hate the idea of people getting ambushed by garbage and then losing a key debate. Its a conundrum for sure.